Friday, September 05, 2008

I never thought of myself as having particularly big ears

I never thought of myself as having particularly big ears.  But, based on this ...

-- which I'm calling "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" -- I may be fooling myself.  Which is, I suppose, good to know.  I mean, if you know you are fooling yourself, are you really doing it?

Anyway, it might be nice of some of the thousands of readers of TYOMP who actually know me could weigh in.  Something confirmatory, in a plus/minus kind of a way, like:  "Yes, Geoff, you do have big ears."  Or "No, your ears seem normal to me.  Well shaped, in fact."   Something along those lines. 

Moving forward:  This, because I'm perhaps inappropriately self-involved, is titled "Portrait of the Young Artist With Dog."

That's my cousin Sydney on the lower right.  Boy, it sure looks like she was photo-shopped in.

I'm assuming, for the purposes of these pictures, that I am ten.


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