Thursday, October 25, 2007

Have located chicken wrangler

Regarding "The Chickens of Helmut Lang", the good news is that my friend Chuck has agreed to serve as chicken wrangler (no chickens were injured during the filming of this painting) for my upcoming chicken shoot.

"Upcoming" being one of those forward-thinking statements that typically appear in public financial documents and then, at the end of which, are disclaimed as forward-thinking (i.e. meaning they are the sheerest of conjecture).

Chuck, I must say, can cook a chicken like nobody's business. While this is not the skills set we are necessarily looking for in a wrangler, many say the measure of a man is how well he roasts a chicken.

My friend Earl is strong with beef, particularly on the barbeque. So when I need a cattle wrangler--for, say, "The Cattle of Ralph Lauren"--he will get the call.


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